
Friday, October 1, 2010


hey hi,finaly can on my comp and come here to talk to u all.......

 i has join a organization for one year,(let us call it organization x) i take X as a very important thing in my life,i go every meetings,i go every even,and it is fun.

But now,everything has change......360 degree change. Most of my friend are fake,they do everythings is to promote.I everyday see the same things they do.Shall i still join this X? or shall i give up? i fell very disapointed to my friend....for me i think i join this X is wasting my time......why u are so different to my orther band (SGM)? as a band member,i tot we must give hope to people?why this band give me different type of felling?did i do any thing wrong?who can tell me?

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