
Thursday, November 11, 2010

bad day.........

Today my heart is jus like morning ranning de black sej teacher suddently - the hold class 10 marks,10 marks leh!!!!!!she said orther class did'n add the latihan & nota marks so - 10 marks~WTF? Thn go for band,today band practice is the worst band practice in my life~i dunno wat u all thinkking? can u all make it serious? concert is comming~haiz........and bro (my section de senior) can u jus bring back the spirit come bac? can u all go back practice at least 20 mins~ and yong qian~ i dun think u r NCO(leader) does'nt mean i must listen wat u said.....if it is wrong....dun always use punish to stop me~ this is the 2nd time ard....yong qian~pls la~seriously u not a good leader~ but anyway,u still a leader nvm la........still wan to listen to u~but rmb way i said~u r leader not mean evrythings u r corect~

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Today actualy i have a class party at my sch.But i did'n go cos boring,so i go sing "K" with my cousin.^^we go at 11 am,thn we sing until 3 pm.WE sing alot of song at there^^,i so happy cos i never sing b4 a song in 10mins and today i try~lol still pass i think^^.After sing,my mom help me book a fashior at 4pm.I fell so sry tht i need to go fashior thn my cousin cant go shopping~SRY~cousin.......After the fashior,whn i see my face,it was vry white~.I vry happy,and i wan to thx my mom tht she make a fashior for me~

Friday, October 29, 2010

happy day

yesterday was a fun & happy day,i went to eat mcd with andy yeap boon kheng and chow jin yip.After eat,i and andy yeap went to swimming & ply badminton at the condo near my house.It was all the way fun~^^ and today i get new form 3 test book frm sch liao yeh~~~^^Today have a trip with my 10 family member go to somewhere at penang^^ hope we will enjoy this trip with happy and memorible

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

japannese friend come visit my sch~

hey,finaly can on my computer and share with u all two things~1st i wan to share is last sunday was 10/10/10 a speacial day.Cos this october gt 5 friday,5 saturday, and 5 sunday.My band (SGM) young eagle brass band have a great performance on that day,and we fell success after the performance^^.The 2nd thing i wan to share to u all is today gt japanese girl & boy come visit our sch.A lot of mbs student like never see before girl like tht run here run there.= = May b mbs is boy sch so very exited to see japan girl lol.The japanese girl is cute~

Friday, October 1, 2010


hey hi,finaly can on my comp and come here to talk to u all.......

 i has join a organization for one year,(let us call it organization x) i take X as a very important thing in my life,i go every meetings,i go every even,and it is fun.

But now,everything has change......360 degree change. Most of my friend are fake,they do everythings is to promote.I everyday see the same things they do.Shall i still join this X? or shall i give up? i fell very disapointed to my friend....for me i think i join this X is wasting my time......why u are so different to my orther band (SGM)? as a band member,i tot we must give hope to people?why this band give me different type of felling?did i do any thing wrong?who can tell me?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

about me

i think everyone ard know my name,nvm i jus tell again.My name is Lee Yew Ten,form 2 this year(14 yeats old)I study at MBSSKL,KL.I join 1ST KL Boys Bridgade at Wesly church,i love music very much.I join SGM Brass Band(SOKA GAKAI MELAYSIA) the music instrument i ply is call horn or mellophone.I gread 3 in my horn exam,& i learn piano too,gread 5.This is my new blog,if anythings juz comment at the chat box&i will try to change it thx.^^

1stKL singing group-19th PESTA