
Thursday, November 11, 2010

bad day.........

Today my heart is jus like morning ranning de black sej teacher suddently - the hold class 10 marks,10 marks leh!!!!!!she said orther class did'n add the latihan & nota marks so - 10 marks~WTF? Thn go for band,today band practice is the worst band practice in my life~i dunno wat u all thinkking? can u all make it serious? concert is comming~haiz........and bro (my section de senior) can u jus bring back the spirit come bac? can u all go back practice at least 20 mins~ and yong qian~ i dun think u r NCO(leader) does'nt mean i must listen wat u said.....if it is wrong....dun always use punish to stop me~ this is the 2nd time ard....yong qian~pls la~seriously u not a good leader~ but anyway,u still a leader nvm la........still wan to listen to u~but rmb way i said~u r leader not mean evrythings u r corect~

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Today actualy i have a class party at my sch.But i did'n go cos boring,so i go sing "K" with my cousin.^^we go at 11 am,thn we sing until 3 pm.WE sing alot of song at there^^,i so happy cos i never sing b4 a song in 10mins and today i try~lol still pass i think^^.After sing,my mom help me book a fashior at 4pm.I fell so sry tht i need to go fashior thn my cousin cant go shopping~SRY~cousin.......After the fashior,whn i see my face,it was vry white~.I vry happy,and i wan to thx my mom tht she make a fashior for me~